How Often Should I Have My Furnace Serviced?

Have you thought about the last time you checked your furnace? Regular furnace maintenance is essential for your residential heating system to run efficiently and prolong its lifespan, especially in Ottawa and Arnprior. Valley Home Services is here to discuss the ideal frequency for furnace maintenance and the benefits this type of service brings.

Contact us today if you suspect something is wrong with your heating.

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Checking furnace

Annual Maintenance

Our HVAC technicians recommend scheduling professional furnace service at least once a year. Ideally, this should be done before the start of the winter season, typically in the fall. When you schedule annual maintenance and repair services, you allow our technicians to inspect and tune up your furnace, while ensuring it is functioning properly. This decreases the probability your heating system will break down when you need it most.

Inspecting furnace

Seasonal Transitions

If you live in Ottawa and Arnprior in the winter season you know how extreme the weather conditions can become. That being said, you may want to consider furnace maintenance twice a year. The best times for these types of services would be in the fall and the spring. During these seasonal changes, our HVAC technicians can perform thorough inspections to ensure your furnace is ready for the next season.

Person reading manufacturers guidelines

Manufacturer’s Recommendations

When Valley Home Services performs furnace repairs and routine maintenance we provide you with the manufacturer’s guidelines. To understand the recommended maintenance intervals, be sure to check these guidelines as some specify the frequency of service. Adhering to these guidelines ensures you receive optimal performance from your heating system.

Changing filter

Regular Filter Change

While professional furnace services are essential to the longevity of your system, you should be sure to maintain basic upkeep in between appointments. One of the simplest tasks is regularly changing your furnace filter. If not changed, it can reduce airflow and strain the system leading to inefficiency and potential damage. Our HVAC technicians recommend changing the filter every one to three months.

Scheduling annual maintenance for your furnace is the minimum requirement to ensure your system operates safely and efficiently. A well-maintained furnace will provide you with consistent warmth during the winter months in Ottawa and Arnprior. Contact Valley Home Services to begin scheduling residential furnace repair and maintenance services.

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